Cleaning House

By: Pastor Ramon Diaz


12/15/20231 min read

In a powerful sermon, Pastor Ramon delves into the story of Jesus cleansing the temple of God from the merchandizers. This pivotal moment in Jesus's ministry offers a timeless message about the importance of protecting sacred spaces from commercialization and corruption. Pastor Ramon unpacks the historical context of the temple, explaining how it had become a place of commerce and money-changing, rather than a place of prayer and worship. He then vividly recounts Jesus's righteous anger as he drove out the merchants and money changers, declaring, "My Father's house is a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves!" Through this powerful historical account, Pastor Ramon challenges us to examine our own hearts and ask ourselves whether we are allowing materialism and worldly concerns to crowd out God in our lives. He reminds us that the temple represents our hearts, and that we must strive to keep them pure and dedicated to God.